Undergraduate Transition Seminars Hosts Annual GT 1000/2000 Instructor Training Conference
With themes of “community” and “belonging,” the event began with a welcome address from VP-OUE Dr. Steven Girardot, program updates from Dr. Catherine Thomas (Assoc. Director of Undergraduate Transition Seminars), and a keynote address by Mr. Kyle Poe of the... -
Georgia Tech Announces Institutionalization Plan for Serve-Learn-Sustain
Established as Georgia Tech’s last Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), SLS launched in 2016 as a unit in OUE and concluded its official QEP work in 2021. Its work on the QEP earned Georgia Tech a commendation from the Southern Association... -
New to OUE (May-June 2023)
OUE is growing! Over the past month, the Office of Undergraduate Education has warmly welcomed a group of exceptional professionals who have joined our team. Learn more below. -
Roberta Berry Appointed Full-time AVPUE
I’m pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Dr. Roberta Berry is appointed full-time Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (AVPUE). For the past year, Roberta has served both as AVPUE and as Executive Director of the Honors Program (HP). Her... -
OVPUE Welcomes New Staff Member Stefan Smith, Data Scientist
OUE colleagues, I am pleased to announce that Stefan Smith has been selected as Undergraduate Analytics & Planning's newest Data Scientist, effective today, 6/1/23. In this role, Stefan will be responsible for translating student, faculty, and staff data into clear... -
OVPUE Welcomes New Staff Member Bobbie Tutt, Admin. Professional, Sr.
I am pleased to announce that Bobbie Tutt has been selected as the Office of Undergraduate Education's (OUE) newest Admin Professional Sr in Clough Commons, effective 6/1/23. In this capacity, she will report to me temporarily until the Admin Manager... -
OVPUE Welcomes New Staff Jon Reid, Web Developer
OUE Colleagues, It is my pleasure to announce that Jon Reid has been selected as the Office of Undergraduate Education's (OUE) newest Web Developer, effective today, 6/1/23. In this capacity, he will report to me and support OUE's efforts in... -
Dr. Charmaine Troy Receives VPII Denning Seed Fund Award
Dr. Charmaine Troy, Associate Director for First-Generation and Limited Income Student Initiatives, has been selected to receive VPII Denning Seed Fund Award. This award recognizes her proposal titled, "Engaging First-Generation Students for Entrepreneurship Opportunities Abroad," which secured funding of $15,000...